Image Courtesy of Wedding Paper Divas
After the Wedding, one of the most important new tasks to take on (besides getting adjusted into married life), is to begin writing thank you cards to all of your guests. This may seem like a truly daunting task to undertake, considering the number of guests that attended your wedding with gifts in tow. Fear not, read some of our frequently asked questions and use our basic tips that will have you well prepared and confident when writing your thank you cards.
What is the best method of thanking someone for his or her gift?
Sending out thank you cards! Of course expressing your appreciation in person or over the phone is a very nice gesture but it should also be accompanied by a thank you card. Show how thankful you are that your guests took the time to review your registry to select a gift for you by sending a thank you in the mail.
When should I send out my thank you cards after the wedding?
This is the number one question for newlyweds. Traditionally newlyweds should wait no more than 6-8 weeks following the ceremony to send their wedding thank you cards. Some people think they have up to one year after the wedding but this is too long of a time to wait for guests to feel the joy of knowing you received and enjoy their gift.
Also Brides, have your Husband help write as well! He can pitch in by maybe sending out thank you cards for his side of the family.
When do I send thank you cards for gifts received before the wedding?
As soon as possible! You already know that after the wedding you will be (delightfully) flooded with gifts so when guests give gifts before the wedding, send out thank you cards right away! Don’t let it pile up after the ceremony! Think: the sooner the better!
What should be included in the thank you cards?
Sometimes this can be a daunting task for couples, but here some guidelines:
1. Greet the guest
2. Express your gratitude
3. Be specific about the gift
4. Thank them for attending (or for thinking of you, if they couldn’t make it).
It is also nice to make specific examples of their gift and tell them how you plan to use it. For example, “I love making my coffee every morning in the machine you got us!”
Make sure you spell their names correctly and are including the right gift for the right person.
For monetary gifts, it is not necessary to mention the specific amount but simply say “thank you for your kind generosity.” Or you can include how you plan to spend the money, “We plan to use your gift to contribute towards a down payment on our house!”
How do I keep track of all my gifts and all my cards?
Sometimes having loads of cards, gifts, gift cards and money cards can be an overwhelming process to sort out which guest gave which gift. The best way to tackle this challenge is by making a simple spreadsheet beforehand (your KME Consultant will provide you one) so that you can have confidence that every guest will be thanked for the appropriate gift.
Don’t get overwhelmed, pace yourself! Commit to writing maybe a few cards a day or even each week–that way you don’t stress yourself out trying to finish all at once.
When should I order thank you cards?
One helpful tip for ensuring that you send out your thank you cards in an appropriate time is to order your thank you cards at the same time that you order your wedding invitations! They do not necessarily have to match, but if you purchase them with your wedding suit it will present a more cohesive look and you won’t need to go back later to order them. There are great stationery companies like Wedding Paper Divas who have thousands of options to choose from, and you can even customize your thank you cards to fit your style and personality!
What if someone did not give me something from my registry and I do not like the gift?
Always, always, always thank your guest for the gesture. Sure, we all get things we didn’t ask for, flashback to Christmas when grandma gave you a woven colorful Christmas sweater. Was that your desired gift? Not exactly, but you were thankful that she thought about you. Same goes for your guests, thank them for thinking of you and taking the time to select something for you. Here are some Do’s and Don’ts:
Don’t allude that you did not like their gift in the card, on the contrary don’t go overboard either with over elaborate praise of the gift for this can seem phony to the guest.
Do express your thanks for your guest taking the time to think of you on your special day.
Should I hand write or print the message inside the thank you cards?
Having a personalized hand written card is much more personal to your guests.
Do I send thank you cards to vendors?
Yes, it is always appreciated for couples to send thank you cards to your vendors for helping with your beautiful event.
Do I have to send out a thank you card for guests who did not bring a gift?
Yes, it is proper etiquette to thank your guests for attending your wedding.
How do I address the thank you cards?
For families address to Mr. and Mrs. If you are close with the recipient use their first names inside of the card. If you are not close to the recipient, use the same salutation inside.
Also, make sure to hand stamp every note…prepaid postage techniques are too impersonal.
Once you follow these basic etiquette tips sending out thank you cards should be a breeze!
Check out some of my favorite thank you cards from Wedding Paper Divas!
Image Courtesy of Wedding Paper Divas
Image Courtesy of Wedding Paper Divas
Image Courtesy of Wedding Paper Divas
Image Courtesy of Wedding Paper Divas
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